Reporter: Jeanell Sumagpao

'What's Not to be Shied about Being Shy?

Being shy is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it can be an asset. What are the good things that come out of shyness and how to help kids and teens have more confidence?
  • 'Try: 7 Beauty Regimens Using Coconut Oil

    Many might probably heard of the limitless beauty and health benefits of coconut oil. One might want to consider trying one of these beauty essentials and add on their beauty routines this week
  • 'The Secret on Becoming an Excellent Runner

    With marathons coming up and runners getting ready with training regimens, participants might forget one important thing that makes one an excellent runner-getting enough sleep.
  • 'One Proven Antidote to Fight against Flu

    Flu season is here. Are you prepared to fight against it? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) gave one proven antidote to win- Get a Vaccination.
  • 'Less Than Six Hours of Sleep can Lead to Life Threatening Diseases

    A Korean study shows that people who get less than six hours of sleep every night are more prone to health diseases and sickness such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
  • 'Why Shift to Walking for Exercise

    Though running and other hardcore work outs are proven effective in toning muscles, walking, a less strenuous activity is also beneficial in losing weight and becoming physically fit.
  • 'How Staying Awake can Make You Sleep

    Research conducted by National Sleep Foundation shows that forty eight percent of Americans experience insomnia occasionally, while twenty two percent face it every or almost every night. Treatment had been suggested to cure it. But in some cases, staying awake has been more efficient than trying to sleep.
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