Teen Obliged by Her Parent to Wear a Signboard that Says “Smoked Pot, Got Caught”

A mom from South Carolina publicly inflicts the humiliation on her son who is into smoking pot. Other kids are usually grounded in making use of drugs; some were told to walk with billboards of shame.

The moment that April Methison caught her son Brandon, who is smoking pot, she teaches him one thing. She teaches other parents and the kids who are into smoking into South Carolina. She forced his son to walk on the primary intersection with a sign that reads, "Smoked pot, got caught!

The sign also includes "Don't I look cool? Learn from me and do not do drugs". This is the lesson that teaches parents and kids to not tolerate them from this behavior. This is a shame to most parents and this is a very unlikeable scenario.

According on TheFix, this gives both parents and kids a lesson. Parents need to reprimand their kids. For the kids, they are taught on the right path to take. Life is too short to be spent on using drugs. Life is meant to lived joyfully.

The mother says that taking personal belongings and time outs is not useful these days. There is no point in doing this for them. If this really works well with her son, then this saves other students as well. She also stated that she feels she has done best in her job.

When Brandon was asked about the thing that he has learned, he dutifully says that he needs to alter his life and then stop. This is one of the interesting lessons for teen drug use and parenting. This is something that most parents will not do for them.

For some parents, this may not be the right thing to do. But, this is one of the few ways to discipline a child.

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