Trending Rumors About The Danger Of Beneful Dog Food

Beneful Dog Food now faces a lawsuit claims telling that it may be putting danger on its customer's pets. Reports have even indicated that the dog food is killing dogs which happen to be fed by pet owners using Beneful.

According to ABC News, there are already complaints regarding this issue dating back a few years which was elaborated by James Young, Tampa FL's lawyer. Young even added that many lawyers in the country have actually partnered after realizing that there's this common denominator about dog's deaths and illnesses. And the lawyer has stressed Beneful Dog Food as the "common denominator".

However, the spokesman of Purina named Keith Schopp said that there's no problem about Beneful due to strict quality control procedure observed by the company. Schopp even mentioned that there had been two similar lawsuits against them but they were dismissed. "Dogs enjoy the product every day and the ingredient mentioned in the suit as a possible toxin called propylene glycol is generally recognized as safe," Schopp added.

The latest suit is citing Frank Lucido's story who owns three pet dogs. Lucido reported that he began feeding the dogs with Beneful in January and it's the first time. The dogs were placed in different locations as Lucido's house undergoes renovation. All the dogs got ill after they have eaten their new dog food according to the suit. The court documents stated that Nestle Purina may respond to the lawsuit until the 2nd of April.

Also according to the news by Daily Mail, Purina Beneful dog food has already killed many pets based on the complaints. Indicated in the lawsuit include symptoms such as liver failure or malfunction, internal bleeding, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, weight loss, and even kidney failure. But until the court's decision on April, rumors still remain rumors.

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