Three-Person Babies: Legalized In Britain UK

Britain, first country ever to legalize three-person babies, has allowed the conception of "human embryos from the DNA of three people". It's actually a technique to help moms prevent passing on genetically-degenerative diseases to newborns.

According to Huffington Post, the bill was passed by the "House of Lords" to grant the controversial methods, after it was approved recently this month by the "House of Commons". The procedures involve varying an embryo or egg prior to its transfer to a female which was formerly restricted by laws. They're projected to prevent passing on diseases or defects within the woman's mitochondria that may result to health problems such as muscular dystrophy, liver failure, kidney, heart, or even serious muscle weakness.

The techniques will be annually used for British women who suffer from faulty mitochondria, the structures that produce energy outside the cell nucleus. In order to fix this problem, scientists take out nucleus DNA from prospective mother's egg while inserting it on a donor's egg where in donor DNA will be removed. It happens after or before fertilization.

Although critics indict the new methods cross basic scientific boundary, due to changes created to embryos can be imparted on next generations. Based on the post on, the first ever baby that is conceived due to mitochondrial donation methods is expected to be come out earlier next year after British House of Lords peers have voted "against a move to block a planned law change by 280 votes to 48, a majority of 232".

Studies have shown that donation of mitochondria can possibly help females of the reproductive age avoid transmitting dangerous DNA mutations through mitochondria. Even though there are opponents for the methods, it is still observed as an alternative to prevent the risk of defects from babies.

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