LeBron James Wants to Direct ‘Trainwreck 2’

LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers showcases his comic talents on the film, 'Trainwreck' set to come out this Friday, July 17.  While out in Okron, Ohio, his hometown, for the premiere, he takes his co-stars and his director for a ride.  And well, us, too.

They make a hilarious video, posted on 'Funny or Die', where LeBron pitches ideas about the sequel of the film.  He plays as himself, the best friend of Dr Aaron Conner played by Bill Hader.  Dr Conner is the love interest of the character played by Amy Schumer.  The basketball star shares his storyline of killing off the character of Dr Conner.  Hader will go overseas as part of the Doctors Without Borders team, contracts a disease and dies.  Best friend LeBron steps in to console the girlfriend, and they fall in love.

Hader, not wanting to be out of the supposed sequel so early on, begged to remain and be cast as a ghost of Dr Conner. 

Meanwhile, 'Trainwreck' director, Judd Apotow, famous for 'Knocked Up' seems to like the bold ideas of LeBron, but gets the big surprise when LeBron announces he would be directing the sequel himself.   Envisioning a blockbuster hit, Apotow asks to stay on as Assistant Director, but gets a big 'No'.  He suggests being the Producer instead, but LeBron says he does not need any help.

Already, LeBron had plans about his directorial shots, envisioning a continuous shot, like that in the 'Birdman'.

LeBron can score big points in the basketball court, but will he score big in 'Trainwreck 2'?  It remains to be seen as the original 'Trainwreck' hits the big screens over the weekend.  But if based on this promotional video with the three stars plus their director, which has gone viral, they sure have creative ways of doing things. 

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