How Twitter Autoplay Ads Are Giving Sony's New Horror-Comedy Film a Big Lift in Online Buzz

Autoplay video advertising is taking its toll on social media as it is more subtle yet effective in terms of posting ads on either Facebook or Twitter. As per Adweek, Sony's new Horror Comedy film 'Goosebumps' is making their way in being heard by creating an online fuzz.

 Sony's 'Goosebumps' which start's the "School of Rock" comedian Jack Black turned to Twitter's autoplay ads for the fall release of their film. Sony is the first brand to run a global "unlock" campaign by using their videos, asking the consumers to engage with the ads before they'd be able to see the film's trailer. Adweek was able to have an interview with Sony's marketing team, giving the readers access on how autoplay works and as well as its benefits.


Adweek then ask them on how their autoplay Twitter video differ, compared to other digital efforts from their brand.

Elias Plishner: The Twitter video program on Goosebumps performed very well when looking at other digital efforts from our campaign to date. One of the key metrics we look at when it comes to online video and social media is the "earned media" value of our efforts. We put a dollar value to this to determine if the ends justifies the means. In this case, we saw a 3X [lift in earned media as a result of using Twitter's auto play video, which is a great result.

Is autoplay a better branding feature than regular video? 
We discuss autoplay versus auto-initiated online video quite a bit as a digital marketing team, and honestly, there are pros and cons for each. Ultimately, for us, it comes down to the specific initiative and the results we are hoping to achieve. In this case, autoplay video was highly recommended because it guaranteed at least a portion of the video would be viewed. As a marketer, with that in mind, we'll employ tactics to make sure as many crucial elements are included in those few precious seconds to make sure viewers have enough if they choose to continue to engage further. In the end, you have to spend the time and think through the customer experience, or else you're not going to do your campaign justice.

What else was important, strategy-wise?
Besides using Twitter's video tool in a very personalized way, an important strategy tactic is what you do to keep conversation going. Generally speaking, most of the online conversation coming from a movie's trailer launch happens within the first 24 to 48 hours, and it's incredibly difficult to sustain that kind of momentum in the days to follow. The idea behind sending personalized video recordings direct to Twitter users who participated in the trailer launch was to keep the conversation going as long as possible. In addition to our first-day numbers, our first-week numbers well exceed our internal benchmarks in terms of trailer views and discussion volume.

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