Google Is Working On A Project To Help Improve Diabetes Treatment

The gigantic company Google teamed up with the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi to come up with tools that will aid patients in managing diabetes. Google is currently building on its recent moves when it comes to the life science market. The gigantic company announced their partnership with Sanofi just this Monday.

As per E Week, both companies will be collaborating in finding new and more advanced ways in treating and managing Type 1 and 2 diabetes. Both companies would make a great team as Sanofi is known for their expertise in diabetes treatment and devices, while Goggle on the other hand is best known for their strengths in the areas of technology and big data analysis.

The pharmaceutical company Sanofi then released a statement saying:

"The companies will explore how to improve diabetes care by developing new tools that bring together many of the previously siloed pieces of diabetes management, the hope is that it will be easier for patients to successfully manage their diabetes, which would reduce the risk of complications, improve outcomes and ultimately lower costs."

Huffington Post then reported that Sanofi would be working with Google's life science team to analyse, collect and understand information regarding one of the most common illnesses, "Diabetes." The sickness is expected to affect 592 million individuals by the year 2035 according to International Diabetes Federation. [IDF]

As of today, Sanofi's products to aid diabetes ranked in sales of $2.13 billion. This amount contributes to the company's total sales in the 2nd quarter by 20 per cent.

As for Google, their life science department is already collaborating with a Swiss Drug Maker Novartis AG to aid in the development of contact lenses that help diabetic patient track their blood glucose levels or restore the eye's ability to focus.

Google also tied up with the maker of glucose monitoring device (CGM), DexCom Inc. their aim is to develop a CGM device the size of a Band-Aid that can be worn on the skin.

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