Scientists Discovered A New Hang Over Cure that We Never Knew About

Going for a drink on a weekday can sometimes be a killer. Knowing for a fact that you have a workload on the following day often hinders you from having a good time, and when you do, you'll tend to drink too much. Getting drunk and waking up with a mind-drilling hang over then can leave you agitated and nauseous all throughout the day. As per Cosmopolitan,  scientist was able to discover a new cure that aids in soothing hang over.

Numerous cures for hang over have already been concocted and there may be times that it doesn't work.  Scientist then found a new discovery, stating that drinking pear juice before a drinking spree can reduce the alcohol level in your blood stream and could aid in keeping ones hang over away. The study came into conclusion that drinking 200 ml of pear juice "significantly reduced hang over symptoms and hugely helped trouble concentrating.

  Manny Noakes, a professor who lead the study then said:

"It appears that the factors in Korean pears act on the key enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) to speed up alcohol metabolism and elimination or inhibition of alcohol absorption,"

He then added:

"In particular, reductions were seen in blood acetaldehyde levels, the toxic metabolic thought to be responsible for the hangover symptoms, with pear juice consumption."

Pear juice maybe one of the cures for hang over, but Fox News  was able to cite numerous options to soothe the dreaded post booze blues.

They then stated that electrolyte intake can help you replenish the lost fluids. Beer or alcohol in nature is diuretic, which means that it trigger's your body to pee, while doing so  your body is losing substantial amount of fluids, it prevents your body kidneys from absorbing water. Electrolyte consumption replenishes the lost fluids keeping your body hydrated. It is also important to drink water all throughout the day as it keeps your body moisturized and hydrated. 

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