Marijuana Package Fell From the Sky; Damaged Dog House

A loud thunder like thud in the early morning hours may sound normal considering the fact that September is a rainy season; Maya Donnelly ignored the sound thinking it was just a typical monsoon storm. After the loud crash, Maya went back to sleep in her Nogales home, which is near the US Mexico border. Maya then woke up the next day and saw scattered pieces of wood on the ground.

As per The Guardian, the loud thunder like sound that night wasn't from a monsoon storm. To her surprise, she found a bulky bundle wrapped in plastic. She then opened it only to find out it was roughly about $26 pounds of marijuana. As per the authorities, the package is worth $10,000 and might have been accidentally dropped by a pilotless drone or an aircraft by a drug smuggler.

Drug smuggling has been rampant along the US Mexican border. Police are now digging deeper into the investigation on where the drug came from. They are also trying to determine if the drug was transported by an aircraft or a pilotless drone, which usually occurs at night.

During her interview with Nogales International, Maya stated that:

"I went out to investigate, and sure enough, I looked up to see the hole, and then my eyes trailed down and the big dog's house was destroyed. It made a hole in that hard plastic doghouse and the bundle was inside...,Thank goodness (Hulk) is a wanderer at night and was not in his house, he was probably at the gate watching the plane go by."

The package damaged their dog house, leaving Hulk homeless. As per the authorities, the package might have been smuggled via ultralight aircraft into Arizona from Mexico. It then accidentally released part of its load go early before dropping the remaining packages in the north of the boarder.

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