Empire's Fires of Heaven Episode Shows Up Some New Game Brought by Anika [Spoiler Alert]

The heat is back on Fox's hit hip-hop drama series "Empire" now that it has new characters involved. On this episode, fans of the show have seen how Anika (Grace Gealey) worked the dance floor like how Miley Cyrus did it on the VMAs with Robin Thicke. This time, she did it with Mimi Whiteman (Marisa Tomei), who plays an investor on the show and she's interested to place her money on the record label that Cookie (Taraji P. Henson) has.

The new episode is entitled "Fires of Heaven" and Anika simply showed she knows how to get what she wants. Her dance moves were her way to prove to Cookie that she will have a piece of Empire, because she will do whatever it takes to have that share.

In an interview conducted by The Hollywood Reporter to Gealey, the actress revealed more about her character on the show and what makes it interesting. She said that what makes the show and her role on it such a great dynamic is the fact that it's not black and white.

On the issue about her doing some provocative dance moves on the episode, Gealey responded by saying, "That was so much fun. I was expecting that it would shock people; whether or not they responded positively or negatively was totally up to them." She continued with, "I loved it because it was a dimension of Anika that you hadn't seen before. She has a sense of humor."

Her character just got even more exciting since the emancipation of Lucious (Terrence Howard). She is becoming sneakier and sinister every episode, which brings to more intriguing questions what's next for her and the series.

Speaking of Lucious being free this second episode, he is back governing Empire Entertainment again, but the law still requires him not to be physically present in the building of his company.

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