Vampire Breast Lifts: Injecting Your Own Blood in the Breasts is the Latest Breast Enhancement

There's a latest trend in beauty enhancement that's a little bit spooky and comes in time for the Halloween.  The procedure involves injecting the patient's own blood to their breasts for breast enhancement.  This is aptly called the "Vampire Breast Lift".

As reported in the Metro UK, the inventor of the vampire facial has recently started using his famous technique on the lower area.  He claimed that with the Vampire Breast Lift, sagging breasts are lifted, cleavage increased, stretch marks removed and sensation in the nipple area increased.

Dr. Charles Runels who pioneered the technique explained how it actually works.  Dr. Runels takes blood from your arm and run it on a machine.  The machine used and is said to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the rest of the blood.  The PRP is later injected to the breasts at multiple areas, claiming to stimulate the production of collagen, new blood vessels and fatty tissue.  This technique is also said to repair skin making the breasts looking more plump, more uplifted and years younger.

The treatment is reported to cost around $1,800, a little bit costly compared to buying a new pair of under wired bras or simply tightening your bras.  However Dr. Runels claims that the Vampire Breast Lift is so effective that it makes you look you're wearing push-up bras even if you are not actually wearing one.  The procedure is said to last around 15 minutes only.  It only hurts as much as getting your blood drawn.

The effects of the Vampire Breast Lift are said to continue improving for two or three months.  It is said that the incredible effects can stay for at least two years.  Meanwhile, some have claimed permanent results using the procedure. 

However, Dr. Runels admitted that the Vampire Breast Lift is not applicable to everyone.  The procedure has been applied to most women who have had implants and to those who needed a little boost on their breasts.  In an interview with the news site, he was recorded saying:

"The procedure is NOT for women who are elderly or even younger women with very pendulous breasts (not much shape and just hanging down)."

"But it does do MIRACLES for women who have lost sensation after breast implants, and for women who have still a nice shape but the implants are 5-10 years old (or even recent) and there's some shortage of tissue so that there's not quite the beautiful contour that'd you'd see without implants in a younger breast."

Furthermore, Dr. Runel claims that 80 percent of the procedure he carried out on inverted nipples has been proven effective without losing the sensation caused by traditional surgery. 

How far would you go for beauty?  Will you give the Vampire Breast Lift a try?  Share us your thought by leaving your comments below.

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