‘Breastfeeding’: Here’s What’s So Special About ‘Breast Milk’

A newly-published research revealed that human breast milk contains important inflammation-fighting molecules.

The study, which was published on Wednesday in the journal of Musocal Immunology, showed that breast milk provides nutrients and antibodies which are important for infants' development and their immune systems.

Researchers from Brigham & Women's Hospital were able to determine the molecules called "specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) in the human breast milk by studying profiles of human milk from donors, Time reported.

They found out that breast milk helped improved immune response and curb inflammation when they studied these molecules in mice. However, the researchers did not study the effects on humans though these molecules showed to be organ-protective and capable of steering the clearance of bacteria.

Still, they claimed it has a positive effects to humans. "We can be pretty confident they will have a role in infants," study author Charles Serhan, director of BWH's Center for Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury said.

Moreover, the study authors looked at human milk samples from women with a breast tissue infection called "mastitis," which causes inflammation and is very painful, and found their SPM levels were much lower.

The researchers have also looked at the profiles of carton milk and was not able to find the same molecules. In other words, people cannot get the same benefits from drinking a milk from cow.

Charles was confident and said the findings add to the understanding of the benefits of breast milk. However, he emphasized that more research is needed.

"It's important for mothers to strongly consider breast feeding if it's at all possible," he said. "Artificial formula would be deficient in these types of molecules."

Meanwhile, one reason the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six month because it is packed with disease-fighting substances which protect babies from illness. Scientific studies have also shown that breastfeeding is good for mothers' health too, Baby Center informed.

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