Lamar Odom: Brothel Allegedly Pushed Him To Pick Hookers Who Allowed Drug Use, Love Ranch Owner Denies The Accusation

Lamar Odom's brothel encounter probably wasn’t his first rodeo with illicit substances. His career has been plagued with negative reports that he has ongoing issues with drugs, which progressed into the near-fatal mixture of herbal sex aids, alcohol, and drugs at the brothel.

Paired with Lamar’s alleged history of drug use, a new report from TMZ signals trouble. The outlet claims that the brothel intentionally paired Odom up with the most 'dangerous' prostitutes of the bunch.

When Lamar arrived at the Love Ranch, a number the resident prostitutes were placed in a lineup so he could choose who he wanted to spend his time with. Management was the devil on Lamar’s shoulder that day, allegedly encouraging him to pick Monica Monroe and Ryder Cherry, two prostitutes who allegedly had a reputation at the brothel for their hard partying ways.

The women who were left in the lineup complained to management, pleading to have Lamar pick other women who would be less tolerant of potential drug use during his stay.

The two prostitutes who spent time with Odom during his stay are now on suspension, as management claims they lied about their drug use.

One of the prostitutes, Tristen Lace, told TMZ that she believed Lamar wouldn’t be fighting for his life in the hospital, ravaged by the effects of a overdose, if he had picked different women.

Dennis Hof, owner of the Love Ranch Sourth, is defending his staff, insisting none of the prostitutes who work for him have a history with drugs and they wouldn't be working at the ranch if they did.

In the two weeks that have passed since Lamar Odom was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel, reports have indicated that his physical condition has improved. He was able to start physical therapy and head back to Los Angeles. He may have sustained permanent kidney damage as a result of his ordeal, but hopefully, it’s all uphill from here.

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