Try: 7 Beauty Regimens Using Coconut Oil

Many might probably heard of the limitless beauty and health benefits of coconut oil. According to Meredith Baird, author of Meredith Baird's Coconut Kitchen, "The coconut is an amazing ingredient, I see it as a kind of natural magic, because it not only has so many health benefits, it tastes amazing too. You really can use it for everything." One might want to consider trying one of these beauty essentials and add on their beauty routines this week.

1.) Facial Moisturizer- Try replacing your usual facial moisturizer with a dime-size amount of coconut oil until it is entirely absorbed. Most of commercial facial moisturizers are comprised of tons of water, which can give a feeling of having your face moisturized. But one's face becomes dries again as the water dries. On the other hand, coconut oil supplies reach and intense moisturizing.

2.) Body Lotion- A study conducted on animals discovered that virgin coconut oil can act as a catalyst in healing of wounds. A human study was also performed and found it to be powerful in intensifying skin hydration and moisturizing overly dry skin. To use as a body lotion, drop a little amount on your palm and apply to skin gently or add to your usual lotions and creams before rubbing on your skin.

3.) Makeup Remover- Most of the facial soaps and cleansers available in the market today are composed of chemicals that can reduce your face's natural oil and lead to skin problems such as acne and clogged pores. Coconut oil cleanses all skin dirt and makeup without harming your body's natural oil. Gently wipe coconut oil on your face, eyelids and cheeks to remove makeup easily and wash off with water to thoroughly cleanse the face.

4.) Body Scrub- Anyone can make an easy and simple exfoliating body scrub by mixing 1/2 cup of coconut oil with 3/4 cup of brown sugar or sea salt.

5.) Shaving Cream- Your skin might be harmed because of toxic chemicals present in commercialized shaving creams and foams. Coconut oil, which is a lot healthier can use as a substitute product. Coconut oil should be gently apply on legs or other parts of the body with hair after running under warm water which softens the skin and hair.

6.) Mouthwash- Rinsing mouth with water and a tablespoon of coconut oil can hinder bad breath and heal sore problems. From the November/December 2008 Well Being Journal, Doctor Bruce File, nutritionist and naturopathic doctor explained how coconut oil plays the role of a cleanser. File stated, "When you put it in your mouth and work it around your teeth and gums, it "pulls" out bacteria and other debris. It acts much like the motor oil you put in your car engine. The motor oil picks up dirt and grime. When you drain the oil, it pulls out the dirt and grime with it, leaving the engine relatively clean. Consequently, the engine runs smoother and lasts longer. Likewise, when we expel harmful substances from our mouths, our teeth and gums work better and last longer."

7.) Hair Conditioner -Gently massage coconut oil on your scalp and hair and leave it for ten minutes. Watch as split ends are dispelled leading to a more shiny hair.

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