#StealABreakfast: Steal A Free Taco Bell A.M. Crunchwrap After The World Series

Love food but not a fan of baseball? It might be important to tune into the upcoming Major League Baseball World Series, though - just because you might be able to get away with a free Taco Bell.

Called "Steal A Base, Steal A Breakfast," the promotion is spearheaded by the hashtag #stealabreakfast. It basically lets every Taco Bell consumer avail of a free Taco Bell A.M. Crunchwrap - with a catch.

The Taco Bell website states: "This World Series, the first player to steal a base will steal everyone in America a free A.M. Crunchwrap."

Foodbeast reports:

"There's just two dates you have to keep in mind, November 5 and November 10, as these could be the dates to get your free A.M. Crunchwrap if any Kansas City Royal, or New York Met gets a stolen base.

"If a base is stolen within the first two games of the series, the Crunchwraps will be given out on November 5. If the theft occurs in any of the games after, you can redeem your breakfast on November 10."

There's really no competition or contest that a consumer needs to enter in order to avail of the free Taco Bell A.M. Crunchwrap. In fact, you don't even need to buy anything - although there is a limit of one free A.M. Crunchwrap per customer.

You just need to pray that someone steals at least one base during the whole series - just so you can score on free Taco Bell (we all know that nothing's better than food, except free food!)

It might also be important to keep in mind that Taco Bell's breakfast hours are from 7AM to 11AM, which also means that it's the only time period where you can score that freebie!

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