Korie Robertson:Claims 'As a Country We've Kind of Lost Our Way'

Korie Robertson is frequently asked how she and husband Willie Robertson raised their children. The "Duck Dynasty" star wrote down their philosophy in parenting and some advices in her latest book "Strong and Kind: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed".

The mother of John Luke, Sadie, Bella, Rebecca and Will said in her interview with Fox411 that her book is inspired by mothers whom she talked to asking about what sort of values they should inculcate in their children.  

And then she came up that night with "Strong and Kind". She and her husband Willie shared some thoughts about that and they come up with the thought: "The realization that parenting is a lot more than feeding them and changing their diapers. It's about helping them become healthy adults that contribute to society and are happy and healthy in this world."

"Strong and Kind, that's the values that I've worked to instill in them and I've see as a country we've kind of lost our way a little bit as far as what we value, what we think is important," the reality star continued.

According to her it is also important for every parent to live on what they value, the examples she gave are hardwork, honesty and self control. It is vital for the kids to see it first on their parents as their model. If they don't see the things their parents value they will not going to value it either.

The actress also gave tips for the parents. One of it is being intentional on the values they want to inculcate to their children and have confidence. Parents should be also true to their children especially when they mess up. "Whenever they see us mess up, we own up to it and we move on. I think that's really important for our kids to see that so they will come to us and talk to us when they go through tough times," she added.

She also addressed to parents who experimented with drugs or were immoral when younger to be honest to their kids so that they could learn from their parent's mistakes.

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