'Star Wars' Update: Who Is Maz Kanata? New Details About Lupita Nyong'o's Pirate Queen In 'The Force Awakens'

It looks like 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' will feature a female Yoda.

There isn't much that is known about Maz Kanata, the pirate queen who could guide Rey into the right path. So far, the character has been seen in the concept art and even had appears in the movie's poster. However, the only things known about the character is that she will be played by Lupita Nyong'o through performance capture.

Luckily, J.J. Abrams has a few new details about the tiny pirate. In an interview with EW, the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' director confirmed that Maz Kanata is the one speaking about seeing the same eyes on different people in the 'Episode VII' TV spot.

"I had some specific ideas about how she would work and what she would do," Abrams confirmed. "I had this pitch about these goggles that she wore. Her eyes are an important aspect of her character, and you'll see how it plays out."

J.J. Abrams also confirmed that Maz Kanata is an ancient character who has stayed in the same place for several years.

"Her history is that she was a pirate for a long time," the director said of the pirate queen. "She's lived over a thousand years. She's had this watering hole for about a century, and it's like another bar that you'd find in a corner of the 'Star Wars' universe."

So Maz Kanata is tiny, ancient and wise. That sounds a lot like one of the most iconic Jedi Masters that the fans truly adore. Although it is highly unlikely that Maz Kanata is actually a Jedi Master who will whip Rey into training, she certainly seems to be a mentor who can help the young heroine realize her true potential.

Find out more about Maz Kanata when 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' premieres on December 18.

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