'Star Wars Update: The Truth About Domhnall Gleeson's General Hux And The Starkiller Base! How Is He Different From Kylo Ren?

The villains in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' are undoubtedly some of the more mysterious characters in Episode VII, although fans are slowly learning more about the bad guys. It was recently confirmed by actor Andy Serkis that Supreme Leader Snoke is a completely new character and not the previously speculated evil Jar Jar Binks.

In addition to that, Domhnall Gleeson spoke to EW to offer a few new details about his own cruel character.

"There's an air of superiority, and being better than those people around you," Gleeson said of General Hux. "He's pretty ruthless. A strong disciplinarian would be a mild way of putting it."

All that ruthlessness may be the young military leader's secret to his immediate rise to power.

"You don't get that high up in your life that quickly unless you're pretty ruthless," Gleeson added. "You have to put a few people down on the way to get there."

But whether you're a General of the Starkiller Base or not, there will always people you won't agree with at all times. Domhnall Gleeson confirmed that General Hux and the crossguard lightsaber-wielding Kylo Ren have their differences.

"He's kind of opposite Kylo Ren," the actor said of his character. "They have their own relationship, which is individual and unusual. One of them is strong in different ways than the other. They're both vying for power."

Nevertheless, both General Hux and Kylo Ren must work together to operate the Starkiller Base, which director J.J. Abrams has just confirmed is yet another Death Star.

"It is very much - and it's acknowledged as such in the movie - apparently another Death Star," Abrams admitted to EW. "But what it's capable of, how it works, and what the threat is, is far greater than what the Death Star could have done. Starkiller Base is another step forward, technologically speaking, in terms of power."

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' will premiere on December 18.

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