World Toilet Day: 2.4B People Do Not Have Access To Decent, Clean And Safe Toilets

This year's United Nations' World Toilet Day aims to encourage people around the globe to think and act as they work hand-in-hand in reinventing sanitation to support better nutrition and improve overall health. United Nations stated in a post that lack of access to potable, clean drinking water and sanitation, as well as the absence of good hygiene practices, are among the underlying causes of poor nutrition.

In the world's seven billion people, over 2.4 billion people around the world don't have access to decent sanitation and more than a billion are forced to defecate in the open, risking disease and other dangers, according to the United Nations. 

The ‘silent’ sanitation crisis is a ticking time bomb which affects billions of people around the world. This year's awareness campaign is about the nearly 1 billion people who have to defecate in an open space as well as the millions of children whose futures are compromised by poor sanitation and related nutrition problems.

On top of all these, UN urges everyone to join the global campaign and do his or her share. Organize your own initiative, event, or project and "lend your voice to the people who can't wait".

UN is set to launch World Toilet Day campaign on Nov. 19 - aiming to raise awareness about those people in the world who don’t have access to a decent toilet - reiterating the fact that having clean water and sanitation is a human right.

The organization also said that "poor sanitation increases the risk of illness and malnutrition". Children and women in particular need to be offered safe, clean facilities.

Medical Daily highlighted in its report that it is morally imperative that people become aware of this call and take prompt actions in order to help putting an end to open, unclean and unsafe defecation and sanitation facilities.

Founded on Nov. 19, 2001, World Toilet Organization recognizes the need for an international day to draw global attention to the sanitation crisis. NGOs, the private sectors, civil society organizations and the international communities all over the world participate in this official UN day. 

This is the ulitmate challenge: "Together let's raise a massive stink for sanitation on UN World Toilet Day!"

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