5 Thanksgiving Food Safety Tips You Should Not Miss

Being a foodie and a food safety geek at the same time gives you better rewards. And since this year's Thanksgiving Day comes so close on Nov. 26, you need to set and prepare everything, from the dinner menu, to your guest lists. Thus, having a worry-free thanksgiving party requires proper food handling, storage and safekeeping.

Here are some of the most important things that you should not miss to keep your food fresh, healthy, and ultimately delicious.

1. Choosing your food carefully is the key.

Thanksgiving dinner needs the best quality ingredients. Be mindful of the food's packaging, labels, color, odor, texture and many others to guarantee its freshness. 

2.  Defrost meat properly.

Thaw frozen meat, poultry, and fish in the refrigerator or microwave, never at room temperature. Defrosting your meat on your countertops can do more good than harm - contaminating it and spreading bacteria all over your kitchen. Before you thaw them on the fridge, make sure you put a sheet underneath the meat so as to avoid unwanted drips and messy leaks. 

3. Serve your food hot.

In the previous post, Food World News explained why you should serve your foods hot. Remember that serving temperature affects your food, its taste, texture and even safety. Culinary experts suggest that those foods that are supposed to be served hot are believed to be safest when they are actually hot.

4. Practice the general food safety rule.

Protect your family by doing the proper way of handling, storing, cooking, barbecuing and reheating food. Nothing beats safe, mouth-watering and hearty meals for you and your loved ones. Keep your kitchen and dining clean, organized and free from microorganisms that can affect digestion and eventually cause diseases.

5. Store leftovers safely.

Though you hope that you don't have too many leftovers, it is still best to know exactly what you should do. For leftover turkey, remove the stuffing and store it on a separate resealable containers. Deboning the turkey and slicing it into 2-inch pieces before tossing it on the fridge do the magic trick. Leftover veggies, casseroles and other treats should be stored in a high food-grade, sealed containers. Make sure to only enjoy them within several days.

Have a blissful and stress-free thanksgiving celebration with your families and friends.

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