Is Spider-Man In 'Captain America: Civil War'? Tom Holland Reveals the Exclusive Marvel License Deal

Everybody wants to know which superhero is going to show up in the upcoming Marvel Captain America Movie. This year, in a rare glimpse inside the shared licensing deal, Marvel gets the go signal to use Spider-Man as a supporting character in their films. 

As to which films Spidey gets to go around web-slinging, that depends on the partnership between Sony and Marvel. Both studios agreed to partner in the production of future stand-alone Spider-Man films and it would be released by Sony.

This evidently means that Andrew Garfield is going to take the last trip out and never coming back. There's a new Spider-Man in town and his name is Tom Holland. 

If you don't remember Holland, you probably remember him when he was Billy Elliot in the musical. He is also known for his role in the 2012 The Impossible. Director Jon Watts confirms that the stand-alone movie is set in stone for July 28, 2017. 

Garfield is out, Holland is in and Marvel has acquired the rights to use Spider-Man in their films. Marvel has been hush-hush about the whole thing and everybody's not allowed to talk about this publicly. Even our golden boy Chris Evans was sworn to secrecy. "I can't tell you anything about that", says Evans emphasizing that it's on the "Don't Talk About These Things To People" list. 

Are all the secrets and lies actually truths? What's all the fuss about anyway? A lot of fans are positive that Peter Parker is going to show up in the up-coming Marvel Civil War movie. For one thing, in the comics, Parker played an important part in the Civil War comic series. And rumor has it that a certain red and blue costume suited man was running around the set.

Film Producer Kevin Feige disagrees. 

We can't get anything out of these guys. But then Robert Downey Jr. comes in to save our day! "Cheadle and I are just going, 'Wow, dude, look at this.' We're now like the old guard, and our storyline carries real weight just because of our history in the [canon]. But we're also looking around like, 'Who thought that Falcon and Black Panther and Ant-Man and now Spider-Man...?' I mean it's like wow, this thing is just crazy", Downey spills.

And just like the fun-smasher that he is on film, Chris Evans swoops in with the line, "Sometimes they shoot things and then don't use them."

Ladies and gentlemen, Spider-Man is in Captain America: Civil War, reports confirmed.

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