Harry Potter Death Theories, How and Why a Beloved Harry Potter Character Died?

Yes, Harry Potter may have already moved on to a better life but Harry Potter fans are still grieving the deaths of some beloved Harry Potter Characters. 

There must be a certain reality that lies somewhere in the middle. So there is a new theory buzzing around the Harry Potter universe and it might lay our doubts to rest. 

Jo Marie Walker, a Tumblr user, posted a theory online about the sudden death of our loveable owl Hedwig. Hedwig was killed by a Death Eater at the beginning of Harry Potter 7.

Let's tell the story. Once upon a time, a group from the Order of the Phoenix shows up on Harry's 17th birthday and removes him to a safe location unless Death Eaters get to him first. Being magical as they are, they extracted hair from Harry and mixed it with a potion that can turn anyone that drinks it into a physical form of Harry. Then off they ran on their brooms and flying vehicles as fast as they can while Death Eaters and Voldemort himself ran after them. The chase is on.

Lightning and thunder fills the clouds but that's only the look and sound of a wizardry battle. George lost an ear, Moody fell to his death and Hagrid lost flight. 

So what's Walker's theory? Walker claims that Hedwig was too close to the real Harry that it could have been a give away and the false chase would be over in an instant. Walker thinks it was Snape that killed Hedwig for Death Eaters to lose focus on him and would follow the decoy Harry instead. 

What do you think? Does this calm your mind? Snape has been trying to protect Harry all this time, and it might not be a surprise even if it cost the life of a snow owl, as reported.

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