GTA: San Andreas is Now Available for PlayStation 3 - And No One Knew! [VIDEO]

The PlayStation 4 has been around for a few years now. Not only that, but rumors have already begun circulating regarding the PlayStation 5.

But just in case you're still playing with your PlayStation 3, or you still have it lying around, there is some good news for avid players of Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is now available to play on Sony's previous generation gaming console. According to Unilad:

"You can now purchase 'San Andreas' through the PlayStation store on the PS3 for £10.99/$14.99, but it's not the direct PS2 port many would expect - it seems it's a port from the Xbox 360 version of the game, which itself was a mobile port. Portception."

Tech Times explains the port complications with regard to the game and console compatibility:

"Note that in 2012, 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' was previously released for the PS3 as an emulated port that is part of the PS2 Classics, which are PS2 games that can be purchased from the PlayStation Store and played on the PS3. The current PS3 port release will not be emulated but will natively run on the PlayStation 3. [...] It is yet to be clear whether the new PS3 port is a port of the mobile version. If it is, however, then PS3 gamers will have the same headaches as the Xbox 360 gamers."

Some similarities between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions include trophies. IGN reports:

"The PlayStation 3 version also brings trophies to San Andreas, which are largely the same as the 360's achievements except for the Platinum trophy, which replaces the Trickster achievement for completing 10 pimping missions."

Watch the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PlayStation 3 Gameplay in the video below.

You can purchase the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game for your PS3 on the PlayStation Store here.

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