Netflix Stands Firm That 'Narcos' Beats 'Game Of Thrones' In Ratings

Many would instantly assume that 'Game of Thrones' is the king of ratings on TV and is under the giant cable network, HBO. Apparently, this is not what Netflix thinks since they claim that their show, 'Narcos' takes that spot, beating the dragon-filled-period-kingdom-battle series from the other network.

Based on statistics released by The Independent along with Parrot Analytics,  'Game of Thrones' has above 6.4 million "demand impressions" just in the United Kingdom while 'Narcos' has about 2.2 million on that category. But despite that 4 million difference, Netflix is standing firm on their statement about their show being the number 1 on that spot.

The network is grateful for being second but would like to clarify things to their audience with a statement declaring,  "We're pleased to take the number two spot, but think it's number one because they don't measure all the devices."

There could be some truth to it since 'Narcos' could appeal to more viewers in a global level because 85% of its script is in Spanish according to Netflix's chief content officer, Ted Sarantos. As sited by The Hollywood Reporter, he defended their show saying, "It's produced by a French company, shot in Colombia with Brazilian stars and hugely popular in Germany. This is the first flavor of what global television can be."

He obviously has some strong feelings about this to go with the claim that their show appeals more internationally than their rival 'Game of Thrones.' But perhaps it is a little bit noteworthy and interesting that one of their lead actors in 'Narcos' happens to be a part of 'Game of Thrones' once and it is Pedro Pascal. He used to be Oberyn Martell on that show as The Inquisitr pointed out. But as to who is really #1, we'll have to ask you about that.

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