Cultivated Chicken Lands In Your Cat’s Bowl

(Photo : Omni X Meatly’s Chicken Revolution.

Meatly, a company specializing in lab-grown meat proteins has teamed up with Omni, a pet food company focused on novel proteins, to create the world's first cultivated chicken pet treat.

Lab Grown Pet Food

Cultivated chicken is here for your cat! That's right, say goodbye to kibble made from live animals and hello to a new era of sustainable pet food with UK's Meatly new lab-grown pet grub.

Why Would I Feed My Cat-Cultivated Chicken?

The traditional pet food industry has a big environmental pawprint.  A whopping 25-30% of all the meat protein consumed in the US is nom-nommed up by our furry companions! Meatly x Omni's cultivated chicken is grown in a laboratry, so no clucking creatures are harmed, no factory farms are taking up valuable real estate, and fewer natural resources like water and feed are used overall to raise chickens destined for pet food afterlives.

(Photo : Canva) 25-30% of all the meat protein bought in the US is consumed by pets.

Will My Cat Like It? 

Meatly assures us that their cultivated chicken is just as delicious and nutritious as the real thing. Plus, it includes all the essential vitamins and minerals your pet needs to stay happy and healthy. So, when can you get your paws on this groundbreaking grub? Meatly says they're working on getting it to market quickly at affordable prices. Now that's something to purr about. 

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