Demi Lovato Defends Those Who Suffer From Anorexia Or Bulimia

Demi Lovato is publicly known to have suffered from eating disorders and due to this, her being an advocate for those who are struggling with different eating disorders is not a surprise. However, the star took it to Twitter to talk about the disorders.

She said, "Mental illness can be isolating. Thanks @DBSAlliance 4 showing me the power of peer support."

She added, "Having an eating disorder doesn't show 'strength.' Strength is when are able to overcome your demons after being sick and tired for so long. There's a wide misconception that anorexia and/or bulimia is a choice and you often hear people say things like 'why doesn't she just start eating?' Or even 'just stop throwing up.'"

She also said that the ignorance as well as the lack of education of people regarding mental illnesses continue to put mental health care as not a priority in congress even if it is already a growing concern. She pressed that these disorders sweep the nation causing more tragedy each passing day.

The 22-year-old added that starving is nor a diet and throwing up is not limited to thin men and women as eating disorders do not discriminate. She followed it up saying, "These are deadly diseases that are taking lives daily. So please, let's be cautious of the words we use when discussing ED's and other mental illnesses."

She encouraged her followers that it's time that mental illnesses are to be treated as serious physical illnesses.

In an interview with Cosmo on campus last year Lovato pressed that she wants to continue to be a role model and a source of inspiration. She shared that she developed her eating disorder when she was 12 or 13 years old.

She narrated that no one talked about it in public so she pressed, "I feel that if someone had admitted they had a problem, then I wouldn't have gone down that route myself. That's my goal in talking about my problems: I want to be the person for other girls that I needed to admire when I was looking for help and strength."

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