Reporter: Alexis Villarias

'Food Instagrammers Turn Their Accounts to Profession

Meet the professional food Instagrammers seek by restaurants for their six figure followers and their stylish and artistic photography. Some of these professional Instagrammers are earning as much as $350 per photograph in a full time basis. Some of them have turned their account part-time while others are use their accounts for public relations purposes and free meals.
  • 'Taco Bell Announces Move To Serve Cage-Free Eggs By End of 2016

    Taco Bell has finally decided to join the bandwagon of going organic. On Monday, Taco Bell became the latest fast-food company to use cage-free eggs in all its food items. This decision comes after almost of its competitors announced similar efforts earlier this year. Recognizing the importance of animal welfare is vital to keep up with the seismic changes in the industry.
  • 'This One Decision Surprisingly Boost Self Control of Kids

    A new study from Stanford University finds strong evidence of mental health benefits in delaying kindergartens. A one year delay dramatically improves a child's mental health even into later childhood.
  • 'How Red Lipstick Can Kick or Kill Your Career

    What makes red lipstick one woman's super power and another woman's kryptonite? Will red lipstick kill or kick your career? An editor from New York Post took it upon herself to know the answer.
  • 'Stevia: Scientists Have Removed the Bitter Aftertaste in The Sugar Substitute

    The food industry is slowly shifting toward healthier food option. One of the discoveries as an alternative substitute for sugar is stevia. However, this has a bitter after taste, which researchers at Cornell University have successfully eliminated through physical means.
  • 'Alleged Telepathic Boy Tested by Scientists

    Ramses Sanguino is no ordinary child. At age five, he is displaying telepathic abilities as filmed by his mom. He correctly recounted numbers that were written down out of his sight. The video was posted online and attracted the attention of neuroscientists. The five year old savant is now part of a cutting-edge telepathy study.
  • '"Smart Dressing": Medical Dressing Changes Colour When It Detects Infection

    Another medical innovation has been made that would prevent and treat infections easier. A "smart dressing" that changes colour when it detects infection could be a life-saver and could cut the unnecessary use of antibiotics according to scientists.
  • 'Rare TB Case Is Difficult to Detect and Cure in Children

    Drug-resistant tuberculosis is a global health threat that proves challenging for young children who are difficult to diagnose and treat. However, a rare kind of tuberculosis has been found when a 2-year returned to the United States sick from a visit in India. Standard tests shows negative of tuberculosis but doctors suspect one. Later on, it was found to be an extensively drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis or XDR-TB that is resistant to a list of medicines.
  • 'Scientists Found a Way To Inject Night Vision

    A small independent research group has figured out how to give humans night vision, allowing them to see over 50 meters in total darkness for several hours as reported in Science Alert.
  • 'The Future of Food: From Sustainable to Regenerative

    Earlier this month, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture has asked the help of farmers and agricultural interests to come up with a single definition of sustainability. This is to avoid confusion with the different terms used in food and production methods. The word "sustainable" has become meaningless to consumers and the public. However, rather than come up with a universal definition, some suggested to change the word entirely to regenerative.
  • 'New Survey Finds 1 in 45 Kids Has Autism. Here's Why:

    A new government study suggests that the prevalence of autism has been significantly undercounted. More than 2 percent or 1 in every 45 American children may have autism spectrum disorder, a condition that impairs communication and social skills.
  • 'Science Fact: Cockroaches Can Bite Five Times Stronger Than Human

    Cockroaches are special specie pre-dating dinosaurs and have unique characteristics than can make them live up to two weeks after being decapitated. If this is not scary enough, the result of the new study will make you shudder even more every time you spy a cockroach nearby.
  • 'Science Confirms: Guys Who Love Energy Drinks Are Terrible

    Want to know more about your guy? Maybe peeking at what he's drinking can give you more insight on his personality. If your guy is drinking a Red Bull and vodka, which obviously is bad for his heart, you should probably think twice before taking the relationship a step further.
  • 'Over 100 Women Sue Birth Control Company for Unwanted Pregnancies

    More than 100 women are suing a manufacturer of birth control pills after getting pregnant. These women claimed that incorrect packaging of the pills led to the unwanted pregnancies.
  • 'McDonald's Digital Menu Boards Offer Meals According to The Weather

    McDonalds' is installing new digital menu boards at restaurants nationwide. And it's not just an ordinary digital menu board. It's a "smart menu" that will offer meals based on the weather.
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