Spanish Matador Loses One Testicle After Being Gored In a Bullfight

In Spain, a matador was gored to the balls in a bullfight on Sunday. Huffington Post reports Marco Galan had his testicle removed after the bull stabbed his crotch with its horn.

In a bullfighting spectacle at Spain's largest arena, hundreds of people witnessed Galan thrusting his spears into his opponent's back, as the bull aimed for his groin. The animal's left horn went through the bullfighter's left testicle, in an impact that threw him in the air. The fight ended with the bull dragging him to the ground.

Galan was rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

Spanish newspaper, El Mundo reported that Galan suffered a "bull horn wound in the scrotum, which causes bruising and evisceration of the left testicle." The doctor had to remove his testicle to prevent further infection.

The bull that missed its death on the first round was killed in another fight after their match later that day.

Bullfighting is Spain's most controversial cultural spectacle that involves extreme animal cruelty. Stabbing animals with knives and swords to death as a form of entertainment disturbs animal welfare groups all over the world.

Protests against the fight between humans and bulls have pushed the government in Catalonia and the Canary Islands to ban these torturous events.

In other parts of Spain, however, this cultural tradition has remained alive, as local regions continue to fund these games under government subsidies.

Humane Society International (HSI) released a data gathered by Ipsos MORI public opinion poll that states, 76% of Spanish citizens are against the government supporting the brutal sport.

Huffington Post added that the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in UK reported about 250,000 bulls are killed at bullfights around the world, every year.

Bullfighting as entertainment also prompts violence among spectators, especially the young children.

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