How Much Is Breaking Bad's Los Pollos Hermanos Worth?

Have you ever wondered how much money Breaking Bad's Gustavo Fring was making from his Los Pollos Hermanos restaurants? Though his criminal activities no doubt accounted for a large chunk of his fortune, the man did have fourteen successful branches according to the show's lore.

Could Gus have ever gotten out of the Meth business and started slinging fried chicken full-time? According to Bizdaq UK, the answer is yes.

The company recently ran an amusing blog series on their official website; wherein they analyze several of pop culture's most famous bars and restaurants and try to come up with an accurate real world valuation of the entire business.

According to their study, which consisted of '10 hours' of intense Breaking Bad viewing, Gus's Los Pollos Empire is worth an estimated $10,214,400.

They arrived at this figure by studying things such as the restaurant's menu during scenes when it was visible. They also tried to gauge customer numbers by observing the amount of people in the background.

They believe that Gus' restaurants were bringing in around $12,775,000 in revenue annually. Not quite crystal blue meth numbers, but certainly enough for Gus to legitimate if he ever wanted to.

Another famous TV joint they tried to value was Friends iconic Central Perk coffee shop.

Here's their take on the joint's annual revenue.

'With people both drinking coffee and having the occasional pastry, we put an average order value at a reasonable $7. With a 10-hour opening time, and forty two people being served in an hour, that would put Gunther's daily takings at $2,940. Multiplied by 365 days in a year, we get $1,073,100 in a year. Not bad for a coffee shop!'

Other notable establishments covered in the series include Grand Theft Auto's Cluckin Bell, Moe's Bar from The Simpsons and many more.

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