Kate Walsh On: Going Through Early Menopause

Kate Walsh went through early menopause, the very reason why she doesn't have kids.

The 48-year-old actress opened up about her not having any kids because of her menstrual cycle ending early. She said that she was never sure of the reason why her menstrual cycle ended early before she expected it to.

On Wednesday, November 18, she had a talk on SiriusXM's Conversations with Maria Menounos. There, she simply admits that she has no kids, saying the words "I don't have kids. I'm not going to have kids. I went through early menopause. That happened". She herself is confused of why she couldn't have kids and why she went through early menopause. "Who knows why (I went through early menopause). It could be a product of our environment. The (birth control) pill, we don't know."

Although, she never really worried of her early menopausal until her sister went through early menopause as well. Her family suggested her to go see a specialist to confirm her health but she didn't bother to go, she had always been skeptical when it comes to visiting a doctor.

When the Grey's Anatomy actress knew that she is not able to reproduce, she was of course upset and was sad for a short time but despite all of that she was still able to tell herself something that could make her feel better. Others would get miserable and all but Kate was just brave enough to face what life has given her. Kate grew up knowing that she couldn't reproduce and she considered it as a "great kind of experience and growth". She stated that she always goes for what she wants, for her the best way to deal with life is to embrace whatever is in front of her, to love and to who-heartedly accept what life has to offer.

Kate also admits that she would often think of how life would be if she ever becomes a mother of her own child and that she would think of how much of a pressure it is as a woman, thinking that she's less than if she's not a mother and the like.

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