Australian ISIS Terror Threat Alarm Raised

 Early on Thursday, Australian Police arrested 15 suspects believed to be Islamic State supporters.  The arrests were made possible by an intelligence report that revealed that Islamic extremists were in the process of planning a "demonstration killing" which included public beheadings.

 According to a BBC report, the investigators cut short a phone call which involved Mohammad Ali Baryalei. Ali is a Sydney bouncer who is known as senior Islamic State Member in Australia.

 Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime Minister, on Wednesday told reporters that police carried out raids in Sydney after intelligence alerts indicated that Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham members were calling upon their supporters in Australia to conduct "demonstration killings"

 The raid took place in Queensland State.  The Australian Government has raised terror alerts, citing that there are local supporters of ISIS. Abbott has committed 600 fighters to help the United States suppress the ISIS operations in the Middle East. He is also expected to host world leaders in Brisbane during Group of summit in November this year.

 Andrew Colvin, Australian Federal Police Acting Commissioner, told reporters that one person was charged after police raids conducted in northwest Sydney. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corp , the terror group planned to abduct people, wrap them with ISIS flag and finally behead them.

 According to Abbott, Australians are at serious risk of being attacked by terrorists. He agreed that there were people in Australia who despite enjoying life in Australia, want to destroy the country.

Since the United States began the airstrikes in Iraq, 6,300 new fighters have been recruited by The Islamic State militants.

 According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a human right watchdog based in UK, ISIS has recruited 6,300 fighters since Barack Obama, United States President allowed airstrikes in northern Iraq.

 In addition, it was reported by the activist group that 1,300 foreign fighters have joined Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The fighters are believed to originate from China and Australia.

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