Lupuzor: A Potential Breakthrough For Lupus

Lupuzor could possibly become a potential breakthrough for lupus.

ImmuPharma hosted an auspicious event on Dec 11-12 for the pivotal phase lll trial for Lupuzor. The event was held in Paris that was attended by over 70 investigators and senior coordinators from US and Europe, who will be actively involved in the therapy trial.

The drug is a potential breakthrough for the lupus, a disabling autoimmune disease that is currently incurable, which has affected more than five million people worldwide and 90% of the affected individuals are women.

Sylviane Muller's team was the one who discovered the drug in the CNRS Immunopathologie et Chimie Thérapeutique laboratory, in Strasbourg and it already successfully completed phases I and II of its regulatory clinical trials, supervised by ImmuPharma-France. Phase lll is the last stage in the testing and if proven to be safe and effective, it will be given market approval.

According to News Medical, two hundreds patients will be included in this last trial. The duration of the trial will be extended to a year and final results of the tests are anticipated at the end of 2017.

Once the final phase is completed and the results can be confirm safe and effective, LupuzorTM could be available in the market and will eventually play a central role in the treatment for lupus patients.

Chairman Tim McCarthy said, as per Stock Market Wire, "This auspicious event brought together some of the most important specialists and investigators in the field of Lupus. The enthusiasm which everybody displayed within the meeting was truly overwhelming and demonstrates how important this Lupuzor trial is to so many people who are involved in bringing an effective treatment to Lupus patients around the world."

Researchers are now looking forward to provide further positive updates as the progress of the Lupuzor Phase III trial continues.

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