Dec 01, 2014 11:46 PM EST
World AIDS Day: [HOTTEST UPDATES] “Close The Gap” We Can End AIDS By 2030!

World AIDS Day is the day to remember who had died because of AIDS, the day that all people around the world should join hand-in-hand in fighting HIV, and to show support for people who are HIV-infected and are already diagnosed with AIDS.

World AIDS Day is held on Dec. 1 every year, a remarkable day that started in 1998. Apparently, 39 million people have already died from AIDS since the early 1980's. Today, there are roughly 34 million people who are infected with HIV or AIDS all over the world.

In the U.S., there are 1.2 million people, who are infected with HIV, where one over seven are unaware they are infected. In UK, about 100,000 people are living with HIV. But despite that it is considered as one of the disparaging pandemics, people are still unaware of its danger.

Stigma still surrounds those who are diagnosed with HIV.

Today in World AIDS Day 2014, with the theme, "Close the Gap" the World Health Organization is calling for all people to unite and close the access gap between people who have access to medicines, care, treatment and support services and people who are deprived of these facilities.

"Closing the Gap" would mean all people could have the same access to all the facilities that would mark an end to the epidemic disease by 2030. One of the strong supporters in the World AIDS Day campaign, Ryan Lewis, an American musician, DJ and producer wrote a touching message in his Instagram account on Monday. His post tells how important World AIDS Day is for him and his family. Ryan Lewis mom, Julie Lewis was diagnosed with HIV since he was six years old.

Here are some of the highlights of the World AIDS Day worldwide: Apple, the giant Cupertino company changes its store Apple light logos to Red in support for the World AIDS Day 2014.

Unicef says that an AIDS-free generation is within reach if everyone participates on World AIDS Day.

Renowned artists such as Chris Martin and Bruce Springsteen front U2 at the World AIDS Day concert held in Times Square.

In the World AIDS Day 2014, hordes of people have expressed their strong support at the World AIDS Day on their Twitter account:

One has written, "Happy World AIDS Day prayers for those we lost and continue to lose to this disease. The fight for a cure continues!"

Actor and director Mark Ruffalo tweeted, "I hope you're all wearing red in support of World AIDS Day, today."

A public health consultant in the HIV Prevention Cara Silva de Cobell tweeted, "We have come a long way! In honor of #WorldAIDSDay: 5 Ways to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2030."

World AIDS Day campaign may fade in some days and soon be forgotten, but we can help in our own ways to close the gap by empowering ourselves with the knowledge and practices to end the battle against HIV and AIDS.

Happy World AIDS Day! Let's Close the Gap!