Dec 14, 2014 06:02 PM EST
Breast Cancer Prevention: Low-Fat Diet to Prevent Early Death Risks

Have you checked with your doctor recently? Usually, doctors would recommend us to have his low fat diet thing. This is especially true if the person is on its early stage of breast cancer.

There was this study conducted to test if low stop diet can really prevent breast cancer. So, they gather women subjects to test and they assigned those women to follow the low-fat diets. They gave those women counseling and to keep track of their nutritional intake. Once in awhile they request those women to have fat intake records unannounced. While on the other hand, there was another group of women who were not given any advised or counseling about the foods they need to eat.

To make the story short, those people who were given counseling were able to lessen their fat intake of about 10% and able to reduce weight of about 6 lbs. Moreover, those women with low fat intake have lower death risk because they chose to eat healthful. While on the other hand, the group of women who were not told to eat less fat is more likely prone to sickness such as cancer.

However, Chlebowski, a person who lead the study said that they haven't yet see the connection between breast cancer death risk and low fat diet, but they said that they just look into death rates and they can't say that low-fat diet can actually lessen the rate for breast cancer. Moreover, he can't also explain why or how does low fat diet helped in lowering death rates. Well, maybe because of healthy diet and weight reduction can cause to reduce inflammation which is also the main reason for cancer growth.

Dr. David Heber commented on the study conducted by Chlebowski. Dr. Heber is the founding director of the UCLA Center, Human Nutrition. "It was the first study of its kind that got women over a long period of time to follow a low-fat diet to influence outcomes in breast cancer patients." According to other doctors, the study suggests to reduce low fat intake which is the very basic medical advice to lower death rates.