Dec 17, 2014 05:00 AM EST
Tea and Benefits: Various Teas That You Have To Try

Tea has been recorded long in centuries to bring good health, wisdom and happiness. With its powerful benefits, tea has been a point of many studies. Research has proven that tea aids in weight loss, lower cholesterol, help diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart problems.

All varieties of teas come from Camellia Sinensis. It could be a black tea, yellow tea, green tea, oolong tea or whatever variety of tea it may be.  Teas vary on the location it was grown, the processing method and the time of the year it was harvested.

"I think it's a great alternative to coffee drinking. First, tea has less caffeine. It's pretty well established that the compounds in tea - their flavonoids - are good for the heart and may reduce cancer," says Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, LD, American Dietetic Association spokeswoman.  

Tea contains theanine and caffeine that stimulates the brain function and mental alertness.

Green tea is a good source of antioxidant catechins that are known to prevent cancer and heart diseases. Previous research has shown that drinking one cup of green tea daily can lower the risk in developing cardiovascular diseases by 10 percent.

Green tea is excellent stress reliever with its natural, neutral and grassy flavor.

Black tea is consists of fermented tea leaves and has the most caffeine content among all teas. Study shows that black tea plays a role in protecting individual against lung cancer caused by smoking. It is also good to decrease incidence of stroke.

White tea is the least processed of all the types of tea. Being the purest, it brews a light flavor and color. It is full of antioxidants and contains less caffeine. It has catechins that help fight heart problems and cancer.

White tea is also known to lower recurrence of breast cancer among survivors, the American Cancer Society revealed.

Chamomile has been known as a natural tea that brings a lot of health benefits and cures. Just like the other teas, it contains antioxidants that make the cancer cells shrink and may prevent aggravate side effects of diabetes.

Indian Chai tea is different as it is loaded with various spices. It may be added with cream or honey for its added flavor.

Oolong tea had been found to decrease bad cholesterol levels. It is also known as wu long tea that is appreciated for its sweet aroma and flavorful fragrance.

Bergamot tea has been used to treat digestion problems and depression.

Cinnamon tea help cure digestive problems. It is a perfect drink during winter and people who are sick.

Which kind of tea do you drink? Why don't you try other tea that also offers health benefits?