Dec 21, 2014 09:16 AM EST
Nashville Spoilers: Is Will Coming Out Of The Closet On Season 3?

Though the series is currently on hiatus for a while - due to the holidays, it will come back with new episodes at the beginning of 2015, by February 5 -, but the Nashville spoilers are still all out, ready for the show's return for the rest of the third season!

After the mid-season finale earlier this month, the Internet has been flooded with Nashville spoilers, following the shocking events that left the show with a whole lot of drama: Rayna (Connie Britton) and Luke (Will Chase) didn't end up tying the knot; Will's been unofficially "outed" by the Internet; and Deacon might be going through cancer.

The Nashville spoilers show just how emotional the mid-season finale was last December 10. While the country world expected the epic celebrity wedding between Rayna and Luke, things were falling apart in their own relationship: for starters, according to IB Times, Rayna wasn't too sure she wanted to go on their honeymoon tour and leave her children behind for so long, feeling she wasn't staying true to herself and rather making the same mistakes over and over again.

Rayna was also hating what her wedding had turned into: People Magazine had even bought the rights to the event's photos, turning the whole thing into a red carpet event - much to Luke's delight and Rayna's uncomfort.

Of course, the Nashville spoilers make it clear that her decision to end things with Luke also came from a different place: the night right before her wedding, she reread the article Rolling Stone Magazine had written about her and Deacon (Charles Esten), reminding her of what she felt was missing.

In the meantime, Deacon and Scarlett (Clara Bowen) chose to keep out of the big wedding affair and stayed in Memphis instead - where things got ruined after he became ill all of a sudden, winding up at the hospital ... where it was found he may have liver cancer, according to Hollywood Reporter, which he made Scarlett swear not to tell.

In the meantime, the other big news in the Nashville spoilers department was that Will (Chris Carmack) may be considering to come out of the closet, after meeting happily a bartender comfortable with his sexuality in the city. However, it is unclear whether his wife Layla (Aubrey Peeples) will survive: the last time she was seen, she was floating face down in the pool, after going over a lot of pills Jeff (Oliver Hudson) had given her after Will asked him to break up with her.