Mar 02, 2015 02:14 AM EST
The Unique and Attention Grabbing Costumes of Bacchanal

Jamaica Observer have recently featured another five attention grabbing costumes of the total fifteen costumes prior to the road march on the 12th of April for the 2015 Bacchanal.

The set of another five costumes were sponsored by various entities. The sponsors were Pure Country for Agrion, Digicel for Lijuan, Pure Country for Mariko, Smirnoff for Marjuni and Fame FM for Oneykos. SOCA fans are expected to groove again on Friday with the most awaited Bacchanal Fridays kicking off at the venue, Mas Camp in St. Andrew.

Unfortunately, the backline and frontline costumes are already sold out according to Unleashed Jamaica. But they announced that they have actually saved something best for those who want to witness the show. They have two "Queen of the band" costumes that will be presented soon which are both very elaborated and special one-of-a-kind "never before seen" costumes in the history of Jamaica.

For women who love to experience unique costumes as well as be distinct among the crowd, the two most anticipated costumes are the best option. Both have unique designs and styles but share the same conception with the front and back line. The 2015 Jamaica Carnival or Bacchanal will be held at Kingston and Negril and Montego Bay on April 12, Sunday.

Every year, Jamaica holds this exciting carnival that promotes same as Trinidad but differs in terms of local tastes. It actually attracts over 100,000 locals, guests and tourists. Almost all of the major events happen on the Easter Week and held in Jamaica's capital, in Kingston. Many bands play different genres of music such as Calypso, Soca, and Ragai.

The parade can also compete with the parade done at Rio de Janeiro but nothing compares with Jamaica's carnival along with its music, dancing as well as multi-colored traditional costumes.