May 30, 2015 10:54 AM EDT
Emma Stone ASIAN? Cameron Crowe’s ‘Aloha’ Casts Gwen Stacy As Hawaiian, Press Calls Racism [VIDEO]

The recent Oscar nominee for her work in the Best Picture-winning film "Birdman" is probably one of the most beloved stars in Hollywood, and one of its most iconic (fake) redheads with her very pale and freckled features - so, as the "Amazing Spider-Man" actress is cast as a ¼ Hawaiian character, the Emma Stone Asian ethnicity is questioned in Hollywood.

The 26 year-old actress often makes headlines over her fun interviews with Jimmy Fallon and her on and off relationship with "Spider-Man" co-star and fellow Oscar nominee Andrew Garfield, but these days it's Emma Stone's Asian casting making it to headlines.

With her very European features, it's not hard to see that Emma Stone's Asian casting is more than off in the context of the industry, and there are many news outlets and general viewers on social media claiming that the choice to put her as a half-Asian character can be considered "whitewashing."

According to The Daily Beast, besides Emma Stone's Asian casting, Cameron Crowe's "Aloha" has received a lot of complaints from minority organizations over its overall portrayal of ethnicities, stating that, although Hawaii is comprised of a 60 percent Asian American Pacific Islanders, the entire cast of the film is white, including Stone playing a character that's quarter-Hawaiian, quarter-Chinese and quarter-Swedish.

Complex is one of many news outlets that are currently complaining about Emma Stone's Asian casting, saying that, while there's already vast underrepresentation of Asian people in the film industry, it's absurd to go out of their way to cast someone was notably white as Stone in an ethnic role - and it compares this case to the criticism of last year's epic Bible film "Exodus," where Welsh actor Christian Bale was cast as Moses.

As Salon reports, the film was one of many mentioned in the Sony leaks from last year during the production company's "The Interview" problems, and, while then-CEO Amy Pascal complained about a number of things regarding Crowe's "Aloha" (such as Bill Murray, though not co-star Bradley Cooper), in fact Emma Stone's Asian casting wasn't one of them.