Jul 14, 2015 07:10 AM EDT
Prenatal Blood Test can Detect Cancer in Mothers, Too

Pregnant women usually opt to have prenatal blood tests to determine any chromosome disorders, like Down Syndrome, that their child may have.  the doctor may order this test when the fetus is most at risk due to medical history of the family or lifestyle of the mother.   

According to CBS Boston, this prenatal blood test can also detect cancer on the mother carrying the child.  This is breaking development in determining the health factor of both maternal and fetal DNA.

A recent study from Tufts Medical Center told the story of Marin Mejia, 39, who had tests done while pregnant with son, Owen.  The results showed abnormal results.  Further tests were conducted on the fetus, but he was found to be normal.  Mom, however, had late stage anal cancer.  With this crucial information, Mom gave birth to Owen at only 32 weeks, so she could undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  Both mother and baby are now doing fine.

Author of the study, Dr Diana Bianchi, says 'If there is cancer, the tumor is shedding DNA into the mother's blood... this causes the imbalance.'

The study was financed by Illumina, maker of non-invasive pre-natal test. 

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death the past decades.  It is a general term used where abnormal cells divide without control and invade other tissues.  It then spreads throughout the body through blood and lymph systems.  For women, the more common types that attack are breast cancer, lung and colorectal.   People who have cancer in their family's medical history are more prone to having it.  However, it may be prevented through screening and having a healthy lifestyle.  Periodic screening for cervical cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer can detect any abnormalities that if untreated may form into cancerous lesions.  There are also vaccines available to lower cancer risks.