Oct 07, 2012 08:01 PM EDT
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite e-Ink Reader with 8-Weeks Battery Faces Shortage among Suppliers, Gets Jailbroken

The Kindle Paperwhite fulfilled the dream that most companies have for their most recent brainchild.

After its U.S. release on October 1, 2012, the Paperwhite has suffered what company executive dream of at night, being completely and utterly sold out. Gives you a sense of accomplishment, and appreciation does it not? At least if your name is Jeffrey P. Bezos and the title on your desk is Chief Executive Officer at Amazon.

The shortage is expected to last about 4 to 6 weeks and orders are limited to 2 units per customer, according to information on the company's website.

In the Paperwhite, Amazon created an e-Reader for people on the move. In fact, the battery with an advertised life-time of 8 weeks, even with its somewhat revolutionary built-in light switched on, can last you on a journey around the world not in 80, but at the very least 56 days.

That is a lot of time, and it is quite a feat in an era of smartphones and tablets that sometimes does not even last you back and forth from work on an above-average-use day, and a welcome departure for said wall-plug dependent lifestyle.

As for functionality, the Paperwhite answers its call of duty, but perhaps not so much more. Apart from reading books and magazines there is really not much to it, other than perhaps serving time as a plastic "Paperweight" on your bookshelf or sofa table.

Recently, after only a few days on the market, it was reported that there is a so called jailbreak available for the Paperwhite. Jailbreaking is the process of removing limitations imposed by the product manufacturer on devices' operating systems through the use of hardware and/or software exploits, in order to install custom-made or homemade software on the device.

In general, manufacturers frown at the practice of jailbreaking as many users manage to break their devices beyond usability, causing manufacturers to issue warnings that users will void the warranty if they even attempt to jailbreak their device.

One such case is Apple and some of its customers who have been jailbreaking iphones and other Apple products with the iOS installed.

For more information on the Paperwhite hardware specs etc., please visit the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Official Product Webpage.

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