Jul 23, 2015 12:30 PM EDT
Big Brother’s Nikki Grahame's Shoe: New Weird Celebrity Item on eBay

While walking out of the Little Mix Black Magic Party, Nikki Grahame of Big Brother UK 2006 stumbled and lost one shoe. After a few hours, enterprising fans had an auction going on eBay for 50 GBP and still going up to a week. Currently, the Cinderalla-ish shoe is at 117 GBP.  The listing even had a recent picture of the Big Brother star wearing it.  Who knows how much it would finally fetch? 

The shoe is actually a tame item compared to other celebrity products sold on eBayOne Direction's Niall Horan was having breakfast and did not finish his toast. The Vegemite toast soon found its way to eBay, fetching 65,000 GBP.  In 2011, when Justin Beiber cut his hair, some of the cuttings found its way online and was bought at 25,000 GBP. Another big ticket item is the tissue used by Scarlett Johansson to blow her nose on prime TV. She placed it inside a plastic bag, and the 3,320 GBP it fetched went to a charity, USA Harvest. 

Some other items may have been auctioned off at lower prices, but they score big points in being weird.  There is Brittney Spears' half-eaten egg sandwich, and as added value, Kevin Federline's unfinished hotdog sandwich was thrown in for a few pounds more. The pop princess was once married to Federline.

At the height of the court trials against Michael Jackson for those child molestation cases, someone snatched the underpants that was part of the evidence, and sold it off at 627 GBP.

And the last one in the weird list, the infamous Brangelina's collected breath in a jar. It is described as 'celebrity air which may contain air molecules that came in direct contact with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.  This was allegedly collected during the premier of their 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' movie.  For what the fantasy was worth, it fetched 3,300 GBP.