Jul 24, 2015 12:07 PM EDT
New Eye Drops That Can Cure Cataracts Discovered

Ophthalmologists are now working on a new eye drop that displayed promising outcomes in improving the vision of persons suffering from cataracts. The new cure has already been tested on dogs and researchers are moving to test it in humans.

If results indicate success, the eye drop could be the first remedy for cataracts that will not require surgical operations.

The latest eye drop contains the substance lanosterol which can diminish the build-up of proteins in the lens of the eyes causing the eye problem. Aside from canine eyes, the eye drop has also been tested in rabbits.

The discovery was made by the researchers headed by Dr. Kang Zhang who is also the chief of ophthalmic genetics at the University of California together with the Shiley Eye Institute.

The lanosterol eye drop was tested on seven dogs having cataracts in a period of six weeks. After the treatment, three of the six dogs were able to regain their full vision while the others showed significant improvements.

Cataract is the principal reason of blindness around the world especially in the US which can easily be identified by the clouding of the lens of the patient's eye. As a result, the light is prevented from entering the lens making it hard to see clearly until it leads to blindness.

Some patients are born with the eye problem while others acquired the condition. The ailment can strike individuals at any age. Around 21 million Americans aging from 40 and above suffer from cataracts on both eyes. As predicted by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention, cases of cataracts will rise to 30 million by the year 2020.

At present, surgery is the only procedure available to remove the cataracts. Therefore, developing a nonsurgical cure for the eye problem will offer cheaper options for patients who are financially incapacitate.

Zhang confirms that they now working on testing the cure on humans. The research team plans to begin the human experiment of the lanosterol eye drop in two years.