Aug 12, 2015 01:02 PM EDT
Southern Food Is Bad for Your Heart

A lot of People find fried chicken and gravy delicious, but as it is part of a Southern-style diet, it's also dangerous for the person's heart. University of Alabama researchers said that  in a span of at least 5.8 years, it can boost the heart attack risk of a person.

The researchers based the fact on a study of 17,400 black and white Americans, ages 45 or older across the U.S., who completed a physical exam and food questionnaire.

As published in the journal Circulation,  the study found out that people who regularly ate a Southern diet like fried or fatty foods, eggs and processed meats that includes bacon and ham, organ meats like liver, and sugary drinks are people with a higher risk of a heart-related death, hypertension, and diabetes, rather than people who ate less Southern food. A previous research linked the diet to an increased stroke risk.

The study's lead researcher and a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Dr. James Shikany, said in a statement, "Regardless of your gender, race or where you live, if you frequently eat a Southern-style diet, you should be aware of your risk of heart disease and try to make some gradual changes to your diet," Dr. James Shikany also said, "Try cutting down the number of times you eat fried foods or processed meats from every day for three days a week as a start, and try substituting baked or grilled chicken or vegetable-based foods."

Among the most convenience, plant-based, and sweets diets,  there were no heart risk found by the researchers. However, the more than necessary saturated fats in processed meats and sugar will increase cholesterol, insulin resistance, and body weight that can cause physical injury to the heart of a person. Also, plaque will fill the blood vessels because of the sodium and nitrate preservatives.