Aug 31, 2015 01:11 PM EDT
Steve Jobs Co-founder of Apple Still Fascinates the Public

The American documentary film director and producer Alex Gibney has witnessed how people from all over the world were moved to tears with the news of Steve Job's death back in October 2011.

Those who regarded him in high esteem gathered in tearful vigil and created a series of online as well as real-life tributes.

As Alex Gibney witnessed all these, rather than simply joining the bandwagon of mourners he asks,"Why do we idolize Steve Jobs? "He didn't write code, he wasn't an engineer, and it certainly wasn't simply the fact that he made a lot of money," Gibney wants to the dig deeper into why Job's death was creating such an outpouring of emotion. He explained that this was his motivation for exploring the subject cinematically.

The award-winning documentary film-maker Alex Gibney, would like to re -evaluate the life of the hard-driving perfectionist who revolutionized the way people communicate but whose relationship with family, friends and co-workers was full of contradiction.

Gibney said that it is not his aim to bring down Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2011. "The imperative for me to make this film was why so many people who didn't know Jobs were weeping when he left."

Apple has a cult aspect that fascinates him.  "There is a passion for the person and the products that is so deep that any criticism can't be tolerated. Why should that be? Is it not possible that we can discuss how pitifully paid are the workers in China... even as we may admire some of the technological aspects of the Apple product?

There seems to be a need to deify that stuff in a way that brooks all criticism, and that does verge sometimes on the religious."

The Film entitled "Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine." by Gibney, will be shown in theaters on September4. It will kick off a mini season of Apple on US movie screens with "Steve Jobs," a dramatization by Danny Boyle of the key moments in the tech magnate's life . Michael Fassbender will play Steve Job's character, and it will be shown in theaters a month later.