Oct 06, 2015 10:30 AM EDT
What's Next For Castle and Beckett After Their Break-Up - Season 8 Spoiler Alert!

Castle's last episode shocked a lot of its fans after learning that Beckett decided to break up with Castle and now a lot of people are wondering what's next for the duo. Do they get back together or do they stop seeing each other at all.

It was a shocking twist when Beckett broke the news to Castle and it is all because after she was warned by her ex-man's step-mother not to be involved with him due to the current case she is in. It doesn't seem like she would be easily influenced by that, but she went on and broke up with him anyway.

This definitely sets a new tone for season 8, now that Castle and Beckett are no longer an item and a lot of its viewers didn't quite like where this is going. But producer Alexi Hawley told TV Line a good reason for this move. He said, "Here's what we're hoping, that the audience sticks around long enough to see next week and realize that this is just the beginning. We're using this to actually put the spark back in, and the stakes back in, which give us the fun and the juice... Obviously there's some heartbreak in it as well, but it makes it much more emotionally impactful every week, because there are stakes now."

It is looking like the writers are onto something involving rearing in the hearts of its viewers to keep them wanting the former lovers' rekindling of their relationship.

Castle will also focus on his daughter's attitude. He will juggle his professional life and fatherhood this time, now that his child is all grown-up. Spoiler TV reported it along with some photos that were revealed by network for the next episode of Castle's season 8.


