Oct 08, 2015 10:50 AM EDT
Man Gives Up Sugar and Alcohol For a Month, Find Out The Results [PHOTOS + VIDEO]

The Dutch duo of Boris and Sacha Harland wanted to find out what the effects would be on the body if they gave up eating food with added sugar and unnatural E numbers, as well as alcohol, for an entire month. The duo was motivated by the figures that indicate that more than the Dutch population suffers from obesity, and shot video of Sacha’s experience for YouTube channel Lifehunters.

Over the course of the four-week trial, fruit, eggs, yoghurt and water became Sacha’s staple diet.

To begin with, he is experiencing withdrawal symptoms similar to those felt by drug addicts – he feels angry, he desperately wants the one thing he has denied himself, and he claims to see his forbidden fruit everywhere, in this case, sodas.

Sacha admitted that he was already struggling by day four and had been irritable and grumpy with his friends and family. He revealed he had been craving sugar and felt constantly hungry.

But on the morning of the 25th day, Sacha reported that it was the first time that he had not craved anything sweet for breakfast. After the experiment Sasha reported that he could get up easier in the mornings and had energy to spare throughout the day.

And at the end of the study, the results spoke for themselves. He said: "After a month without unnatural E-numbers and added sugar I feel fitter."

Over the course of the four weeks Sacha lost 4.3 Kilos, reduced his body-fat ratio by 1.3, and saw further decreases in both his cholesterol and haemoglobin count both at 0.6

With new food that have emerged over the last thirty years, the vast majority of them have sugar added and they are available on every street corner.

A diet that is rich in fruit, vegetables and high-fibres breads is mixed well with unsaturated fats, which are actually good for your heart and blood. These could include oily fish, olive oil and low amounts of irregular alcohol intake. A variation in one’s diet is also recommended.

The fascinating clip has had more than 2.5 million views since it was uploaded on September 30 with many YouTube viewers saying they were going to give the new diet a go.

Watch the video below.