Oct 12, 2015 10:30 PM EDT
Chilean Government Approved Marijuana Cultivation for Medical Research

Medical and recreational marijuana is currently making its way into the market as most countries are taking the stand in having it legalized. As of this month, another country opened their doors in marijuana cultivation. As per Leaf Science, The Chilean government approved the country's marijuana cultivation by opening the countries first marijuana farm. The farm will be used in growing cannabis for medical research and development.

Just this Monday, SAG officials [Division of the Chilean Ministry of agriculture] issued a licence of approval for the county's first licence to be able to cultivate cannabis for medical purposes.

In this development, their goal is to produce marijuana oil intended for cancer treatments for patients undergoing chemo therapy and epilepsy. The licence also permits the cultivation of cannabis as a 'secret location' in Florida, in a small country just outside the nation's capital.

As per Mayor Roberto Carter, their goal is to gather scientific evidence on the benefits of cannabis-based medication, which will help "pave the way for thousands of patients in the country."

"We can offer free and quality relief to people who die today in the midst of pain and poverty"

As per Fox News, the licencing was presented a few months ago on May 23 , 2015. Along with SAG, the sec is being joined by the Daya Foundation and the Santiago municipality of La Florida. As per the news website, the proposal also received its support from the University of Valparaiso and the Arturo Lopez Foundation, in which they specialize in ontological treatment.

The metropolitan director of SAG, Oscar Concha then made a statement during an interview saying:

"It's something that's being done in other parts of the world. We greatly value the use of this farm for research, there's a commitment by the Daya Foundation to fulfilling the established security requirements."