Oct 27, 2015 02:43 PM EDT
Pregnant? Research Says You Can’t Use Makeup

The list of do's and don'ts for pregnant women seems never ending. Additional to numerous (not to mention, really tempting) foods that pregnant women cannot eat, a newly published review article has concluded that using makeup and beauty creams is not good for expectant mothers. Sorry mothers, you got that right-no wine nor cosmetics for you.

York University researchers Professor Dorota Crawford, Christine Wong and Joshua Wais found that certain cosmetics, cleaning agents and medicines should be avoided by pregnant women during their first trimester (when the foetus's brain is starting to develop) . The said products that women use on a daily basis contain chemicals that can trigger autism.

Expectant mothers should be aware and careful of their exposure to detrimental environmental factors. The review article entitled "Prenatal Exposure to Common Environmental Factors Affect Brain Lipids and Increases Risk of Developing Autism Spectrum Disorders" summarizes existing research on environmental factors that can affect the level of essential lipid mediators including prostaglandin E2 or PGE2-a major lipid molecule organically found in the brain. PGE2 regulates the expression of vital genes needed for early brain development and its proper function.

The following products are on the list of a pregnant woman should stay away from:

  • Phthalates in cosmetics, makeup, lotions, PVC flooring, and children's toys
  • Cleaning solvents
  • Pesticides
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid
  • Misoprostol (a drug used for inducing labor)
  • Polychlorinated bisphenyls or industrial lubricants
  • Polybrominaed diphenyl ethers found in wood and textiles

The researchers report that apart from the kind of chemical a pregnant woman is exposed to, the extent, the regularity and the concentration level also have an effect on a developing brain at the prenatal stage. Prenatal brain maturity undergoes continuous changes and its standard functioning depends greatly on the condition of its environment. An unhealthy environment may mean irregular functioning of the baby's brain. That is why Wong counsels women to learn and be more informed about health effects from exposure to chemical substances in the environment.