Nov 07, 2015 01:30 PM EST
Health Benefits One Can Get From Broccoli

A lot of people don't like eating broccoli mostly because it's green and it doesn't look tasty at all, here are the reasons why people should reconsider broccoli:

When eating broccoli, the glucoraphanin present in it is processed by the body that results to an anti-cancer compound sulphoraphane. The said compound removes a particular bacterium which highly increases the risk of gastric cancer. A compelling antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen is also present in broccoli that not only boosts the liver function, but also reduces the risk of being exposed to breast, cervical and prostate cancer.

Broccoli is rich with fiber, like other whole foods such as wheat, beans and berries that eliminate the bad cholesterol present in the body. Also, consuming protein can help one to increase lean body mass.

A cup of broccoli has higher protein compared to a cup of rice, which means adding a cup of broccoli to one's diet can result to weight loss.

Broccoli has a high amount of anti-inflammatory phyto nutrients such as kaempferol and isothiocyanates that lessens the impact of allergy-related substances in one's body.

Vitamin C is also highly present in broccolis. Flavonoids can also be found in broccolis, it is an antioxidant that helps protect the body's cells from damaging and unhealthy free radical coming from cigarette smoke and other environmental contaminants.

Broccoli also lowers the risk of osteoporosis, the vitamins such as vitamin K and calcium can help protect one's bones and maintain its good health.

It maintains low blood sugar, prevents constipation, and prevents one from overeating.

It alkalizes one's body since it can help one's body to become less acidic.

It is also a good source of lutein, a compound antioxidant that is really healthy for the eyes.

There are also special phytonutrients called Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin and glucobrassicin that draws the unhealthy contaminants and helps with the body's detox process.