Feb 13, 2014 12:43 PM EST
McDonald's to Host Intimate Low-Cost Valentine's Day Dinner With Candle Lights and Flowers

There's the world's most expensive Valentine's dinner, then there's McDonald's.

A McDonald's in Southport, North Carolina is reportedly getting into the loving spirit, with its upcoming "3rd Annual Candlelight Dinner" on Valentine's Day, according to the New York Daily News. A Reddit user spotted the ad and uploaded it online.

"Our crew will greet you at the door, seat you, take your order and deliver it to you. All you have to do is just sit back, relax and enjoy your romantic evening with your date. Featuring musical selections by Ron," states the ad, which has gone viral.

The franchises managers will reportedly greet guests upon arrival and serve a Happy meal or a romantic Quarter Pounder with Fries. The Mirror reported that the Southport franchise will also serve a special chocolate covered donut or apple pie for dessert.

Couples can eat their Valentine's Day meal between 6 p.m. and 8p.m.

The Southport location is not the only McDonald's offering an intimate, low-cost meal. Tampa Bay Times reported that a McDonald's in Tampa, Florida plans to transform their fast food chain into a romantic candlelit restaurant. The Florida chain is asking couples to "create your own McMemories." The first 10 to make a reservation will get a complimentary rose.

The Tampa Bay Times reported that employees to dress and act as waiters and offer guest table service and  free refills. The restaurant will be decorated with "plenty of red and flowers and hearts."

General manager Ernesto Izquierdo said he credits his service manager, Liliana Rofario, for coming up with the idea of transforming the space into a romantic getaway.

"She came to me and asked me what I thought. She has three kids and she thought it would be a cool thing for them. Maybe for them it's a first Valentine's Day, and they can't afford to go to a lot of places," Izquierdo said. "There a misconception that it has to be romantic. It's about showing someone you love them."

Would you go to McDonald's on Valentine's Day?